Ride for Renewables

The ride and goal are backed by prominent environmental and business leaders demanding urgent action from Congress and the White House in response to a deteriorating global climate.
Sponsor Lester Brown, featured in carbon nation, President of Earth Policy Institute and author of Plan B 4.0, says the 100% by 2020 goal is “achievable,” citing precedents for such rapid economic conversions. “During World War II, America mobilized its resources at a stunning pace, leading the Allied Forces to victory in three-and- a-half short years,” he said. “We need a similar, American-led green energy mobilization today to save civilization.”
The ride began at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s wind technology center in early September, on the 48th anniversary of a historic speech by President Kennedy calling on the U.S. to land a man on the Moon within a decade. “The urgency of our economic and planetary meltdown demands a modern-day green energy ‘moon shot’ for America,” Weis said. “We need a call to action from our President today challenging America to once again do something great.”
Over eight weeks, Tom visits a dozen states to profile solar, wind, geothermal and efficiency solutions, as well as polluting energy problems like coal burning, nuclear power and mountaintop removal mining. A petition issuing the 100% by 2020 demand is posted at: www.ClimateCrisisSolutions.com.
“Nobody can tell me America can’t do this,” Weis concluded. “We have a long history of fresh, entrepreneurial thinking that uniquely suits us for this historic task. It is time for us to once again step up and help protect the world.”
Tom is close to the end of his journey. Please support him on the last push to Washington, D.C. Follow him and support his petition at www.rideforrenewables.com