carbon nation newsletter #2

How you can help Carbon Nation...
We are thankful for all the support you have shown over the past few years and thrilled that our movie opens in theaters this February.
Many of you have asked how you can help promote Carbon Nation.
We have the perfect solution - organize a group to go see the film opening weekend in your city! You can buy tickets for your employees, sponsor a local youth group or religious group, or buy tickets for your child's class or school! If you can organize a group to go see the film on opening weekend in your city it will help get the word out about our optimistic and solutions based film. All you have to do is email and she will facilitate your group purchase with the theatre from start to finish.
Here is our schedule – the film will run for a week in each city:
If you don’t see your city listed, and would like to host or arrange a screening in your neighborhood or city, please contact our CrowdStarter team at for details.
Join our community!
If you haven't done so already, be sure to "Like" us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. We're always sharing green solutions and news.
Spread the word!
Send an email blast out to your personal address book about Carbon Nation and ask your employer to do the same. If you have a website, link to ours and if you write a blog – talk about the film!
You can make the difference!
Your actions will help people learn that tackling climate change boosts the economy, increases national & energy security, and promotes health & a clean environment
Thank you again for your support and see you opening weekend in your city!
The Carbon Nation Team